Your Checklist Needs These Basic Survival Tools  

6Once you are out to go hunting, it does not matter whether you are going hunting in a known or unknown territory. In either case, it is advisable to include in your hunting checklist the basic survival equipment as if you are going hunting in an unfamiliar territory. Of course the check list will vary depending on the size of the outing but your focus must always be on the most basic survival equipment. The following are however your everyday common survival items to include in your hunting checklist:

Once you set out to go hunting, you should include in your checklist a map and compass. It is not uncommon for people who go out hunting to become confused, not necessarily as a result of incapability or inability by all means. A quick glance at a compass or by simply triangulating your location on the map, you can easily get back your track and overcome this awful challenge that can easily ruin the hunting expedition. Including a map and compass that are from the site at UberPrepared.Com as a basic hunting survival tool is therefore advisable.

Your water bottle is a very important survival tool you do not want to overlook at all cost. If you are in the woods hunting, you can easily come across food since there are so many trees that produce edible fruits including the available option of hunting an animal for food; however, there is no guarantee to the wellness of the water in the woods and you should only resort to using that kind of water as a last option.

There are a number of things you will need to do with fire if lost in the woods, form cooking your food, to keeping you warm and psychologically relaxed, to creating light you need to see and even create smoke that you can use to signal your potential rescuers. Learn further details about this right here. You will therefore need a means of creating the fire and butane lighter is a good option because they are easily dried in the event they get wet.

When hunting ordinarily, a hunter is not certain with the exact time they will need to come out of the woods. You need to therefore include in your list of hunting survival tools a flashlight together with batteries.

There will be instances that as a hunter, when you venture out hunting you will have to spend the night in the woods. When this happens, in addition to fire, a dry cozy place to sit on is advantageous and offers a comforting experience. In that regard, a ground plastic cloth comes in handy thus, you should include it as a basic hunting survival tool.

You do not know when you will get injured out there in the woods, therefore it is advisable to include a bandage, tape and band aids as a part of your survival tools. If you want to learn more, extend at

Your Checklist Needs These Basic Survival Tools  

Traits of a Good Survival Knife  

5Tactical intelligence requires the use of good survival knives as a crucial component. There are quite a number of knives but not all are good survival knives. Helping and protecting you are the main uses of a survival knife. It is important therefore to choose a multi-use knife. The following are the qualities of a good tactical survival knife. First the knife has to be a versatile one, this means it can come in handy in nearly all tasks. Knife blades from materials such as stone though possible can only be limited to specific tasks.

Consider the knife’s strength as one of the most important qualities. Choose Uber Prepared knives made from supreme steel qualities. Such knives are rust resistant although they can easily break due to being less tough. Another form of steel is carbon steel, much tougher than steel therefore can slice hard materials and also can be sharpened easily without breaking. It is however important to be careful with these knives as they rust easily hence the need to handle delicately.

An important quality in a survival knife is the knife’s geometry or shape. A knife only functions well if it has the right shape. Shapes such as the double edge swords will be ideal for battlefield since they are engineered for thrusting and stabbing. This will be the go to battlefield blade. But when looking for an outdoor or general survival knife from the site at, the sword is not recommended. A clip point shaped knife is a well shaped survival knife. The knife can perform a good number of tasks. The clip point is a versatile knife with a fairly sharp edge suited for multiple tasks. This should lighten your pack.

In conclusion, do not ignore traits such as tang and size of the knife when considering the most appropriate design for your survival knife. The size of the blade is important since its affects many things such as the ability to conceal the knife. Smaller knives are easier to conceal and carry while large knives will be difficult to handle or carry.

However the reduction in size of the blade also reduces the number of tasks that can be performed. The tang design refers to the part that extends from the blade, usually covered by the handle. More about this are available at A short tang is ideal since it can not be broken easily unlike a larger one. The tang also should be wider to enhance effortless handling or gripping. The choice of a survival blade is never generic and it should always depend on what you expect to happen out in the field.

Traits of a Good Survival Knife  

Tips for Choosing a Survival Knife  

4A survival knife is very important for any adventurous person. This knife is one of the most important survival gears you will need for survival. For this reason, choosing the right survival knife is crucial. Here are some of the things you need to look at before you go out shopping for the best survival knife.

Correct size

A big knife is not always the best survival knife when selecting the best survival knife. When you go for a big knife, you may have to sacrifice the efficiency of your survival knife to perform detailed tasks such as creating snare nests and dressing your game. This does not mean that smaller knives are the best because they are limiting when it comes to performing rugged tasks such as chopping. Choose a good survival knife from the site at whose size ranges from 9-11 inches because these are appropriate for both rugged and detailed survival tasks.

Choose knives with fixed blades

A good survival knife has a fixed blade as opposed to a folding one because of higher reliability and durability. Your survival needs will be effectively met when you are using a knife with a fixed blade. A joint knife translates to weakness. You need a knife that will serve you in a variety of situations including chopping, thrusting, prying and rigorous cutting hence minimizing down of the need to carry multiple blades.

Complete tang

A fixed blade and full tang in a survival knife from the site at go hand in hand. This indicates that your knife has been made from a continuous piece of metal. To make the grip firm and comfortable there are additional scales on the handle. The profile of a full tang blade is much more substantial than a rat-tail one. The fact that partial blades can loosen over time means that they are dangerous and ineffective to use.

Sharp pointed tip

Although this seems obvious at first, many survival knives are angled, rounded and hooked at the tip. Despite the many arguments advanced, survival knives need to be pointed at the tip for many reasons. Find out further details on this from the site at The first and most important advantage is that pointed knives give a better chance of protecting yourself against a man and animal. Anything other than a pointed knife becomes limiting when it comes protecting yourself. It is easy to stab with a sharp pointed knife than a hooked or bent one.

Single edged blade with a flattened ground spine

Great survival knives are not double edged. it is important that a survival knife has a flat ground spine that is most appropriate for striking as opposed to a rounded or beveled one that hinders this. Focus on choosing a knife with a great finish too.

Tips for Choosing a Survival Knife  

3 Keys to Identifying the Best Survival Knife  

3One of the most important tools available in an emergency preparedness kit is a survival knife. It’s important to ensure that you have selected the best survival knife you can afford. There are a number of guidelines that can ensure the survival knife you buy will not fail when you need it most, for example during an emergency. When you want to buy a high combat or survival knife, keep the following points in mind:

Functionality of the Knife

Avoid the mistake of going for a beautiful knife or one made from exotic animal skins when choosing a survival knife. When you are faced with an emergency where you have to use the knife, how it looks will not have any impact. You will instead care about what it can do to protect you.

Choose a survival or combat knife at that you can easily carry along and can work well. Avoid going for one that will look good and intimidate people while hanging on your belt. Whether you get a designer knife or one with a war hero statement, the real test will be whether it can function as expected.

Is the Knife Durable?

The disadvantage of most survival and combat knives available in the markets today is that their durability cannot handle the regular usage as required. You may need to use a combat knife for different activities. Sometimes, it may even be necessary to use the knife to defend yourself.

When looking for a good essential survival gear, make sure you have carefully checked the hardness and thickness of the blade. Moreover, you should check the quality of steel it is made of. Finally, it’s good to research and compare different types of knives before buying to find the right one for your situation.

The Size of the Knife

Most people usually think of buying long knives or machetes that can pass to be swords when looking for survival knives. While you want a sizeable knife that can act both as a tool and weapon, you don’t want it to be very long and heavy. A heavy knife can attract a lot of undue attention and may also be difficult to use.

Choose a survival knife that is just of the right size and will be easy to carry and use. If you want to buy a pocket survival knife, go for one that is between 10 and 12 inches long. If your knife is any longer, it can be hard to use and if it is any shorter, it loses its functionality and utility. Learn more about this through the site at Don’t get a machete unless you are hiking through the jungle. On the flip side, keep in mind that a pocket knife cannot provide the same functionality as a survival knife.

3 Keys to Identifying the Best Survival Knife  

How You Can Be Prepared For Anything  

2The future cannot be predicted. At any moment in time, an emergency can occur. The bottom line is that if you care about your family, you owe it to yourself to prepare as much as you can. If you have survival equipment, you will be ready to confront the next problem that you face. As you are no doubt aware, no two survival packs are ever the same. To get the best results, you need to find a package that meets your unique needs. Fortunately, survival packages do not need to be extraordinarily expensive. By reviewing all of your options, you should be able to save a good amount of money on the survival equipment that you need.

Emergencies are entirely unique and unpredictable. Be aware that you will no receive any warning when an emergency comes up. If you expect to survive, you owe it to yourself to prepare well. By preparing well, you can effectively reduce your stress levels. By increasing your safety, you are also improving your peace of mind. A flood can cause an emergency, but other emergencies can be caused by electrical problems. Ultimately, though, your main concern should probably be natural disasters. If you want to protect yourself, you need to invest in survival equipment immediately. Learn related information about this by checking details at

If you’re in the market for survival equipment, you have two main options. If you have a specific vision in mind, you may want to build everything yourself. For most people, this is not the best option. If at all possible, you should look online to find a survival pack. This is convenient, and it’s also affordable. The first step in this process is to acquire a large duffel bag. This is where you will keep all of your uber prepared survival equipment. Obviously, size is very important here. If a bag is too small, it will not be able to hold all of your equipment. Remember that you need to stay light during a survival situation. As soon as you have found a valid bag, you may want to think about the survival equipment that you will be putting inside of it.

Keep in mind that food is tremendously important here. If you want to survive, you need things that you can eat. You should look to collect nonperishable items that do not need refrigeration. Make sure that you invest in foods that are nonperishable and not in need of refrigeration. As a general rule of thumb, you will need food for at least three days.

Once that is out of the way, start looking at water. Obviously, you need water to live. When disaster strikes, though, it can be difficult to find the water that you will need to survive. Know more about this from this website. If this is concerning to you, make it a priority to plan ahead. The truth is that every survival package should have enough clean water to last for a few days.

How You Can Be Prepared For Anything