Traits of a Good Survival Knife  

5Tactical intelligence requires the use of good survival knives as a crucial component. There are quite a number of knives but not all are good survival knives. Helping and protecting you are the main uses of a survival knife. It is important therefore to choose a multi-use knife. The following are the qualities of a good tactical survival knife. First the knife has to be a versatile one, this means it can come in handy in nearly all tasks. Knife blades from materials such as stone though possible can only be limited to specific tasks.

Consider the knife’s strength as one of the most important qualities. Choose Uber Prepared knives made from supreme steel qualities. Such knives are rust resistant although they can easily break due to being less tough. Another form of steel is carbon steel, much tougher than steel therefore can slice hard materials and also can be sharpened easily without breaking. It is however important to be careful with these knives as they rust easily hence the need to handle delicately.

An important quality in a survival knife is the knife’s geometry or shape. A knife only functions well if it has the right shape. Shapes such as the double edge swords will be ideal for battlefield since they are engineered for thrusting and stabbing. This will be the go to battlefield blade. But when looking for an outdoor or general survival knife from the site at, the sword is not recommended. A clip point shaped knife is a well shaped survival knife. The knife can perform a good number of tasks. The clip point is a versatile knife with a fairly sharp edge suited for multiple tasks. This should lighten your pack.

In conclusion, do not ignore traits such as tang and size of the knife when considering the most appropriate design for your survival knife. The size of the blade is important since its affects many things such as the ability to conceal the knife. Smaller knives are easier to conceal and carry while large knives will be difficult to handle or carry.

However the reduction in size of the blade also reduces the number of tasks that can be performed. The tang design refers to the part that extends from the blade, usually covered by the handle. More about this are available at A short tang is ideal since it can not be broken easily unlike a larger one. The tang also should be wider to enhance effortless handling or gripping. The choice of a survival blade is never generic and it should always depend on what you expect to happen out in the field.

Traits of a Good Survival Knife  

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